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YEAR: 2018


SCREENPLAY: Giorgio Amato

DIRECTION: Giorgio Amato

DOP: Mario Parruccini

ORIGINAL MUSIC: Eugenio Vicedomini

MAKE UP: Stefania Piovesan

SOUND: Fabio Fortunati


EDITING: Giorgio Amato


CAST: Giulia Gualano, Carlo Caprioli, Mimmo Ruggiero, Marco Minetti, Nadia Ristori, Martina Ruggiero.

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After killing her husband and her daughter, Marta is in jail and attempts suicide. For this reason Marta's family has instructed a psychiatrist to take care of her. To help her to elaborate what happened, the psychiatrist submits Marta to a session of hypnosis, through which he will help her to elaborate the reasons that led her to kill her family.






Deal with the topic of killer moms is always complicated.

First of all because the concept of a killer mom is an oxymoron in itself, being the mother a rhetorical figure, a giver of life. Secondly, because from a cinematographic point of view it's very difficult to tell a tragedy where the victims are defenseless children. A third problem is the massmediological aspect of this kind of events, which often end up on the front pages of newspapers just to satisfy the morbidity of the public. Last but not least, the difficulty of synthesising such a complex theme in a short film, where the narrative space doesn't allow us to delve more deeply into an argument that fills entire criminology manuals.

Keeping all these critical points in mind, the author has tried to answer these questions: what can push a woman to make a massacre of her family? How do we get to this irreversible breaking point?

The author - who is also criminologist- found answers based on the direct testimonial of some women who have lived this terrible experience, gathered in the OPG of Castiglione delle Stiviere together with prof. Matteo Villanova, neuropsychiatrist, owner of the Evolutionary Age Observatory of the Roma Tre University. Through the stories of these women, very precious from the criminological point of view, the author has defined the protagonist's profiler by summarizing in a single character the most recurring motivations that have pushed these killer moms to make such an absurd gesture.


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